About Us
The Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment is the Ministry responsible to facilitate the development of sustainable investment in industry and trade sectors through creation of enabling environment and provision of improved services.
It functions on the formulation, administration and review of policies and strategies for investment, industrial and commercial development, co-ordination and supervision of parastatal sector restructuring through privatisation and commercialization, entrepreneurship promotion and development, monitoring and industrial sector performance, promotion of international trade through bilateral, multilateral and regional co-operation and international trade management.
This National Business Portal is managed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment. through https://www.business.go.tz has a comprehensive wealth of government information and e-services to assist you in starting, growing or investing your business in Tanzania. The National Business Portal comprises of user-centric information and e-services categorized according to:-
1. User roles e.g. as an investor or as a local business.
2. User intentions e.g. I want to register a business.
3. Business topics e.g. import and export matters.
4. Industry sectors e.g. agriculture and tourism.
The Business.go.tz portal aims to serve you.
Please share with us your feedback on how we can improve our services.